
Thursday, October 29, 2009

Friendship is like a molar tooth

The molars are most often subjected to the hardest toil and that is probably the reason why these are the teeth that usually need repair and attention. When they become diseased, dental procedures like root canals manage to save them from the good, old-fashioned extraction. But there are circumstances, like what happened to my tooth, that makes one decide that the more practical option is to let the tooth go.

Last April 17, I went through a most difficult dental procedure which lasted more than 3 hours. Surviving that trauma to my mouth, I had to deal later with the bleeding, inflammation, and eventually the pain when the pain blocker wore off. The ice packs, mefenamic acid, and saline solution would help for a few days but 10 days later, the pain is still there.

Two days ago, while mulling over the dull ache in my mouth and the inconvenience it was causing me, a most unflattering comparison came to mind. I likened my extracted molar to a friendship gone astray.

Misunderstandings and uneven expectations chip away at relationships until there is no recourse but to end them. But because the person has been a fixture in your life, the uprooting is not an easy task. The absence of the person in that space where daily sharing of each others' lives were spent equals an ache which lasts for a little while. This, while the healing of the wound takes place. Finally, when the pain is but a memory, the gap is ready to be filled up with either new friends or old friends who emerge after an unexplained absence.

Yes, there is life after a failed friendship!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Till the mirror whispers

Mirror, mirror on the wall
Who is the most foolish of them all?

Is it that woman there?
Who careened into a liaison
Courting danger
Loving him in reckless abandon

Or is it me, placid
Staying, waiting,
No, suffering
Till the mirror whispers
His love is no more.

28 October 2009

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A day without you

Bright sunlight,
Hopes of You
Fading light,
Sadness veiling my heart
Waiting in vain
Will there ever be a Dawn?


There's a new restaurant in Tagaytay... and it's fabulous! Great ambiance and creative and yummy food prepared by owner, Marcia.

FMM Sisters Act

Stayed in a cottage in the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary compound for 2 days with (pretending to be religious sisters) Ling and Maya. (Sorry, you couldn't pull it off!) At the far end of the compound you can find the cemetery where all the FMM sisters who have died are buried. Our aunt, whom we fondly called Tita Madre, also rests there.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Lunch at Popo's

October 19, 2009

Mirror, mirror on the wall

...In my bedroom in the FMM cottage while trying to fight off writer's block. I think it's a magic mirror, shaving pounds off in all the right places and hiding wrinkly faces. I should have brought it home!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Our Lady of Lourdes Parish

Tagaytay City

The view from Potter's Ridge

Spent 2 days in Potter's Ridge Hotel in Alfonso, Cavite to be able to finish writing a research report. I know this about myself - I need to be free of distractions to accomplish something on a given deadline. So I work best being away from it all. ... Mission accomplished? You bet! All I needed was a fabulous view and silence to help me along.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Thursday, October 15, 2009

SJC Chapel Reveries

This is where, as a child, I discovered how it was to be in communion with the Spirit. Entering this place opened a way for me to be close to a Supreme being. I was in awe of Someone so much bigger than me yet the intimacy of the small place seemed to be an embrace from Him who loved me.

Even then, I guess, solitude was something I sought. I found solace in the soft light and the simple beauty of the chapel. I remember now that I would take a few minutes each day to pray like a young girl would. I was so sure that He was always there to listen to me.

The chapel is also where I heard the beautiful singing of the sisters in the late afternoons (Vespers, I think). I would be entranced by the angelic voices wafting from the windows. Those moments would transport me into a state that had me imagining I could be like them. 

And then I grew up!  And would ultimately decide that the sisters' world wasn't for me.

But seeing the chapel again after more than 30 years, it still held me spellbound. Sitting quietly there brought me back to the days when life was pure and simple. Reminding me how good it was when loving God and pleasing him without question was all that mattered.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Trying out Mama's glass beads

... euphemism for growing older. When wrinkles deepen, grey hairs multiply, and chins double. When self-images do not merge with a beholder's view. Am I afraid of growing older? Maybe I am. So I just hold on to my youth with pictures of how it was. And maybe, be thankful still of how it is (at 53).

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Give Me One Good Raisin
A raisin is nothing more than a grape with a new lease on life. Give Me One Good Raisin is a blog celebrating the idea and practice of giving new uses to old objects