
Thursday, May 22, 2008

Team Diding's Group Show

Inspired by Mama's drawings, members of her household have discovered that they too have a gift for the arts. Rose is Mama's caregiver. Zita and Jingle are our cousins. Flor is Jingle's sister-in-law.Here are but a few of their beautiful creations!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Tagged by Mitch... so tagging Kara, Fe, Ling, Mia, Bong, Binggay, Bogoy, Cux, Fr. Jun & Fr. Bobet

Oh no, sabi ko na nga ba na isa sa mga araw na ito ay gagawin ko  rin ito.  All the others before Mitch, I have ignored. But I guess the time is ripe for the following revelations!

  1. I never had a romantic relationship until after I graduated from college. We met when I was 20.5 years old and we got married just before I turned 25. Been married for 27 years. What can I say; he was worth the wait!

  1. I’ve always loved books. My mom said that she could keep me quiet in my crib by giving me a book.  Today, aside from overflowing bookshelves, I have loads of unread and partially read books under my bed. (Check out Maybe I'll get to read them all when I retire!
  2. My siblings and I get on famously. We each live on 3 separate continents but have managed for 5 years or so to talk and see each other every Sunday via the internet.

  3. I suffer from allergic rhinitis. This explains why you always see me either sneezing or wiping a drippy nose. My sworn enemies – dust and the micro creatures that reside in it, pollen, animal dander, cigarette smoke, change in temperature, etc., etc., etc.

  1. I am really, really bad in Math. It takes superhuman effort for me to figure out solutions to anything related to numbers. And to this day I still wonder how I've been able to survive my skirmishes with psychological statistics!

  1. When I was a high school freshman, I won first prize for poetry in our high school literary contest. I think it came with a cash prize of P20. More than 30 years later I would win P20,000 in gift certificates as first prize for an essay on a family tradition. The Phil. Daily Inquirer published it in their Christmas day issue of 2005.

  1. I never dreamed I would end up as a teacher because my mother was one and she warned me about how hard it was. Instead, I saw myself as either becoming a concert pianist (I took lots and lots of lessons) or a stage actress (I was president of the high school drama club). 

  1. I like making up new dishes depending on what we have in our pantry or refrigerator. Examples of the food adventures my family have been subjected to are Lucban longganisa pasta and Spinach, kesong puti and tuyo salad. Buti na lang my husband and children practice unconditional positive regard and eat them without fear or question!

  1. Mt first trip abroad was to Hongkong when I was 11. Since then, I've never passed up any opportunity to travel ( I was four months pregnant when I took my first tour of Europe in Winter.) So before I am uugod-ugod,  there's Greece, Mexico, Korea, Congo, and Russia still waiting to be discovered.

  1. I can go out of the house without a trace of make-up or even a brassiere and not feel underdressed. But when I realize that I’ve forgotten to put on a pair of earrings, that’s when I feel naked!

The Rules

  • Each blogger starts with ten random facts/habits about themselves.
  • Bloggers that are tagged need to write on their own blog about their ten things and post these rules.
  • At the end of your blog, you need to choose ten people to get tagged and list their names.
  • Don't forget to leave them a comment telling they're tagged, and to read your blog.


Monday, May 5, 2008

Caternal instinct

The newly-born kitties went a-missing! They searched all over the house and guess where they found them? Inside Kara's desk!!! Mama Cat managed to bring each one of them to this sanctuary where she believed they would be safe from the dangers of the human world.

While it was really amusing to discover the secret, I was not surprised that the mother would go to that extent to protect her offspring. I guess mothers of most species would readily plunge into extreme measures to ensure the welfare of her children.

 On ocassion, I have probably embarassed my children by my overprotectiveness and showy affection, treating them like they were still my babies instead of the adults (God, that's so hard to admit!) that they are. In constrast, sometimes like a drill seargent, I bark orders to make sure they keep to the straight and narrow path of goodness and perfection. I shudder when I realize that I am evolving into a creature who in my teen years tormented me with rules that I thought were dangerous to my fledgling attempts at independence - my Parents! (Arrrgh!) And yes, like the Mama Cat,  I sometimes have this strange idea that keeping my kiddos close to hearth and home will protect them from the world's uncertainties and dangers.

Of course, one day they will unfasten this invisible umbilical cord which binds us. I know that sooner than soon, they will fly out into horizons of their creation. As for this Mama Cat, she'll applaud when they take off and she'll pretend to be cool about being left behind. Any fears I might have will be put to rest by the thought that God's love will cushion any fall and they will always be led to His bountiful blessings!

Friday, May 2, 2008

In 3s

Stuff in the house

Ling's Palimpsest

Check it out at the West Gallery, 4th level, Megamall A from May 1-21, 2008.