
Monday, May 5, 2008

Caternal instinct

The newly-born kitties went a-missing! They searched all over the house and guess where they found them? Inside Kara's desk!!! Mama Cat managed to bring each one of them to this sanctuary where she believed they would be safe from the dangers of the human world.

While it was really amusing to discover the secret, I was not surprised that the mother would go to that extent to protect her offspring. I guess mothers of most species would readily plunge into extreme measures to ensure the welfare of her children.

 On ocassion, I have probably embarassed my children by my overprotectiveness and showy affection, treating them like they were still my babies instead of the adults (God, that's so hard to admit!) that they are. In constrast, sometimes like a drill seargent, I bark orders to make sure they keep to the straight and narrow path of goodness and perfection. I shudder when I realize that I am evolving into a creature who in my teen years tormented me with rules that I thought were dangerous to my fledgling attempts at independence - my Parents! (Arrrgh!) And yes, like the Mama Cat,  I sometimes have this strange idea that keeping my kiddos close to hearth and home will protect them from the world's uncertainties and dangers.

Of course, one day they will unfasten this invisible umbilical cord which binds us. I know that sooner than soon, they will fly out into horizons of their creation. As for this Mama Cat, she'll applaud when they take off and she'll pretend to be cool about being left behind. Any fears I might have will be put to rest by the thought that God's love will cushion any fall and they will always be led to His bountiful blessings!

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