
Sunday, August 31, 2008

PSSP Board Meeting

Start:     Sep 6, '08 09:00a
End:     Sep 6, '08 12:00p
Location:     UP Psych dept faculty lounge

Sunday, August 24, 2008

AS 101 resurrected!

Unearthed from my forgotten photo archives these pictures of the blessing of the renovated offices of AS 101 (CSSP Office of the College Secretary). Fr. Pabs Tagura, SVD of the Sociology Dept. officiated. In attendance were college officials, former college secretaries, CSSP faculty, non-teaching staff, and friends. The renovation of the termite-infested space took almost a year and I got to enjoy my space only all of two weeks! Oh well, all the hard work being involved with the designing down to actually painting the alibata script on the walls were all worth the effort after seeing the finished product!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Rio, Rio, Rio

Puedeng poster ng healthy, happy breastfed baby!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Ma'am Taray

       Nagbago na siya! The phrase is neutral in meaning, I guess. But by varying voice inflections, it can go either in the direction of delight or the way of panghihinayang.  When one is in dire straits  or demonstrating intolerable behavior, change is a much hoped for event. A turn-around in fortune and circumstance in that context is welcomed by all.  But not when the situation is reversed. Safe to say, it is unfortunate only when change is in the direction from good to bad. Or as I have lately concluded, when it is towards a state that other people are not in agreement with or will adversely affect their own lives.  And THAT is not necessarily bad for the CHANGEE!

         Twice in my life, I have been intensely disliked by some people mainly because I had exhibited behavior which was not usual for me. For many, my default mode is that of an agreeable and  compliant person who has made it her mission to please people. In those two instances, I showed a side of me seldom seen by many. This would be the part of me that would speak out her mind when she felt aggrieved or would take measures not in keeping with what the high and mighty think should be done or said.   When I would not care to be bullied any more by them, these people thought of me as mayabang!

      This assertive spirit has cost me friends in the past and as I do it again, I am ready to suffer the consequences. Wait, no, there is no suffering here! Instead, there is a sweet realization  that I am living my life as a mature adult who will not waste concern anymore on the fact that some people are upset that I have changed! No more groveling at the feet of domineering and think-they know-it-all creatures! Ma'am Taray has emerged! So there!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

UPCAT 2008 in Zamboanga City

I was in Zamboanga City from July 31-August 2 as part of the team tasked to administer the University of the Philippines College Admission Test (UPCAT). The Testing center was in Western Mindanao State University. Of course, there was very little time to do the touristy stuff thus one can only see snatches of the city in these pictures.