
Sunday, June 20, 2010

A child of solitude

"A creation of importance can only be produced when its author isolates himself, it is a child of solitude." - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

     I've never feared being by myself. Even as a child. Or at least I'm good at convincing myself that it's alright to be apart from people. At least some of the time.

      Last year, I spent many days either in a a hotel or convent room in Tagaytay, by myself,  trying to meet deadlines. Those days have produced research reports or drafts for academic requirements.  Not exactly brilliant, earth-shaking outputs but one or two of them will lead me a step closer to a still unfulfilled dream.

       But those days of isolation have produced something more valuable. I have had the luxury of looking deep into myself. Unencumbered by distractions of noise and senseless chatter, I have started conversations with myself, coming up with different results. On more than one occasion, they have produced bouts of painful sobbing and torrents of tears. Many times, the exchanges see no resolution. But most often, I smile because of rather acceptable endings.

       Yes, indeed, it is good being a child of solitude!





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