
Sunday, July 31, 2011

Malapit na!

Just 9 more days till our departure for WYD. My head is spinning! Still so many details to take care of but with the Lord's grace, I know I will complete everything in His time!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Accounting is not my thing!

     I am great at coming up with spreadsheets to account for money. I have the headings neatly laid out and can think of all possible things which I need to record. But producing a template for keeping track of money matters is much, much different from actually using it! Haha! I have tried many times, succeeding at making one or two entries, and then kaput! I forget about the spreadsheet and instead rely on little notes to myself to remind me about where I got money from and how it was eventully dispensed. Works to a certain extent. That is, if I can decipher my notes or worse, if I can find the notes when I need them!

If it were just my money, maybe I wouldn't even need to methodically account for it. But I have the unfortunate designation of being the Ramilo family treasurer (Why me!!!!) so I have taken it upon myself to account for every peso and centavo that comes in and gets out of our bank accounts.  So far I've managed to monitor our monetary state but not without having to pull out my hair everytime I need to show them my version of a financial report!

Is this because my number-challenged past which I ignored for many years is catching up with me? Is it karma for hating Math with such passion when I was in school? Naku, I think when things get better financially, I will hire an accountant and charge the bill to my siblings in exchange for the torture of being their accountant for the last few years. Ano sa palagay n'yo?

Monday, July 18, 2011

Really, really

I really, really need to lose some weight! Especially around the middle. Otherwise, I will need to chuck all the contents of my closet to make room for a new wardrobe. Normally, that last thought should bring a smile to my face but only if I could afford it. And if the clothes were in my long-ago Size 8!     I really, really should try!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Lectory fashion

After wearing a white blouse and and a black skirt for Sunday mass the last 25 years, I couldn't find anything suitable in my closet this morning when I could wear something else aside from my lector's uniform. No appropriate Sunday wear. Only teachery stuff. Only week-end gear. I wonder what that says about me?

Saturday, July 2, 2011

My Inner Diva



"This is diva therapy, it’s when you need grand gestures of fabulousness added with a high level of art doused with a bit of gossip and giggles to keep one’s mood buoyant."

           I almost didn't buy this pair of slip-ons. While they appealed to my aesthetic sense, I wasn't sure if the excessive display of color and the intricate bead work belonged to something that would just shod my feet. But the "bongga" in me could not be contained. It was just struggling to get out!

          I've always had trouble deciding between that which is subtle and understated and something that would be considered bright and flamboyant. Much as I believe in "less is more," I am also in awe of intricate and small details in designs.Whether these choices concern my wardrobe or home decor, I'm usually stumped when there are two equally active alternatives. Recently, when faced with a choice between beige or red for a pair of shoes, a colleague proposed a solution by suggesting that I just get both. Which I gladly did to help contain the inner struggle!

          That I would be attracted to color schemes & designs that are poles apart probably speak of the two persons that I am.  On the surface, I try to project a persona of calm and restraint but deep inside me resides this creature who wants to express vividly all that she feels about her life.  I want people to know that my joy (or its complete opposite sometimes) cannot be contained in simple, uncomplicated packages!   All I know is it makes me happy to be part of the beauty that surrounds me!

             Oh yes, my inner diva has been awakened! At least for a little while. All it needed was a call from a pair of outrageously colorful Liliw slip-ons.