
Sunday, July 24, 2011

Accounting is not my thing!

     I am great at coming up with spreadsheets to account for money. I have the headings neatly laid out and can think of all possible things which I need to record. But producing a template for keeping track of money matters is much, much different from actually using it! Haha! I have tried many times, succeeding at making one or two entries, and then kaput! I forget about the spreadsheet and instead rely on little notes to myself to remind me about where I got money from and how it was eventully dispensed. Works to a certain extent. That is, if I can decipher my notes or worse, if I can find the notes when I need them!

If it were just my money, maybe I wouldn't even need to methodically account for it. But I have the unfortunate designation of being the Ramilo family treasurer (Why me!!!!) so I have taken it upon myself to account for every peso and centavo that comes in and gets out of our bank accounts.  So far I've managed to monitor our monetary state but not without having to pull out my hair everytime I need to show them my version of a financial report!

Is this because my number-challenged past which I ignored for many years is catching up with me? Is it karma for hating Math with such passion when I was in school? Naku, I think when things get better financially, I will hire an accountant and charge the bill to my siblings in exchange for the torture of being their accountant for the last few years. Ano sa palagay n'yo?


  1. Hi Joanne,

    I used to be like you but found that all it did was to snowball the problem for the end of the year. Try recording the details at the same time you process the mail everyday then it only takes a few minutes.

    BTW - I don't think I told you that that we have moved to Brisbane now. Much warmer a wetter but I'm sure you know all about that.


  2. better than unaccounted wealth he he. good luck. btw, i have successfully planted u a pot of miniature rose; i'll wait for it to give its first flower before i turn over. have a cool summer.

  3. Hi Steve! Great to hear from you. Yes, will take your advice! I didn't know that you had moved to Brisbane. I recall that you said you had family there. So it will be nice to be with them, even if it is wetter there!

  4. Wow, I'm touched by your kindness, Sylvia. Looking forward to my pot of miniature roses. Hope you're enjoying your summer!

  5. Hire an accountant or perhaps for less money a bookkeeper is all you need. It is not worth the stress and aggravation to do it yourself. Even those in the accounting profession hire others to do their family finances.
