
Friday, November 8, 2013

A recurring dream

Most mornings, I wake up knowing I had a dream but promptly forget what it was all about. Some days, I regret not remembering since I get mThe feeling that there was something important there that I missed. In Freudian fashion, I regret missing the messGe,

But today, the dream was so vivid and there were two dreams. I don't know if each one was related to the other or were two separate dreams.

In Dream 1, Ate Lourdes came to the house demanding to see or ask about    g we had  written for the lectors. I kept on asking her whether it was for one project or the other, she didn't answer me but just kep insisting that I show it to her. So while delaying my giving on to her request, I thought there was no choice so I settled to doing. It for her. I actually had it but was just surprised she would come to the house to ask to take a look at it.

Then he dream segued into a ride I would take on a jeepney. I was looking at a large expanse of field which was not attractive . I honk it was part of a resettlement site for squatters. I took the ride without knowing what to expect. From the initially dreary landscape, it be ang to change into greenery and I was supposed to find a pond filled with lotus blooms. A little further on I espied a building which turned out to be a school. It was graduation time and the graduates were dressed on togas. I then saw the group of PhDs waiting for their turn to march up the stage. They seemed so happy. After this view, I awoke.

I woke up smiling immediately knowing that there was a message there for me.

First of all, it was a scene which was quite different from a theme of my recurrent dreams which always had me climbing up buildings and  towers, riding elevators, choosing wrong corridors and floors and  getting lost along the way, never quite finding the end.

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